Become a Member

Membership in the New York Energy Democracy Alliance and How to Apply

Expectations of Member Orgs

Members are expected to adhere to the Energy Democracy Alliance’s mission and principles, which can be found HERE. To apply for membership, fill out THIS form.

There are many benefits to membership in the EDA. We are a collaborative, supportive group with a transformative  vision and a commitment to move powerfully towards it. The Energy Democracy Alliance provides support to its member organizations in the following ways:


Our member organizations have a wide range of skills and experiences, and share them generously with one another. We have organizations with a high level of technical expertise who are able to make complex energy policies and their relevance accessible to everyday people.


We engage in statewide advocacy on issues that impact our local member organizations but would otherwise be outside their reach.


We share leadership and welcome new voices.


We have materials and educational resources to share on energy topics that can be used for member organizations and are tailored to varying levels of expertise.


We regrant funding to our member organizations, with an emphasis on base-building organizations who are able to foster support for energy democracy from the ground up.


We amplify and uplift member campaigns via digital and traditional media, broadening the reach of local campaigns throughout New York State.


We have sophisticated campaign strategists who are skilled in power analysis and campaign planning and implementation.


We have renewable energy experts who understand how to create concrete community-based projects like shared solar.

We envision a renewable energy system that is led by and prioritizes solutions for low- and moderate-income communities and communities of color who are most impacted by our current energy and economic system. We transform our communities’ relationship to power through advocacy, organizing, job creation, coalition-building, policy research, and public education for an equitable, sustainable energy future.

Our principles can be found here

Member organizations are expected to actively participate and contribute to the success of the Energy Democracy Alliance in a variety of ways.


Members are expected to participate in discussions about our vision and work, to take part in Alliance-wide meetings by video conference roughly twice per month, and in person several times annually. They are also expected to actively participate in at least one working group, where the bulk of our planning and concrete work take place. Our working groups focus on PSC Regulatory issues, CoShare (Community Owned Shared Renewables), Affordability, and Communications. We are launching additional Working Groups that will likely focus on Intersectionality, Base Building and Membership, and Resource Development.


Organizations applying for membership should demonstrate how they can contribute capacity to the Energy Democracy Alliance. Examples of capacity include, but are not limited to mobilizing members or the public at large to action, policy or other expertise, access to connections and power, access to financial resources.


Member organizations are expected to help the Energy Democracy Alliance gain access to financial resources to enable all Member Organizations to effectively participate in the work of the Alliance. Member Organizations are expected to help with joint fundraising and grant-writing efforts and may be asked to contribute a membership fee (based on a sliding scale, collectively determined) to the Alliance.

The Energy Democracy Alliance is open to any group that agrees with and demonstrates a commitment to the mission and principles we are collectively working toward. We are also committed to a cultivating decision-making structure and practice of centering our work around those most impacted by energy policy and least able to influence that policy in today’s system. We expect all member organizations to commit to and work toward enacting those principles within our own Alliance.


Organizations that are white-led and/or are led by people with class privilege are expected to show deference to the positions and needs of organizations led by people of color and low-income people. Member organizations must agree to participate in a leadership structure that is weighted toward organizations grounded in low income communities and communities of color.


Member Organizations are expected to be up-front about the demographics of their own membership and decision-makers so that the balance of decision-making within the Alliance can be driven by organizations who are in turn driven by largely people of color and/or low-income people.

Does the New York Energy Democracy Alliance sound right for you?

Please contact us at for more information, or visit our website at

You can apply for membership here: